Why Take Apple Cider Vinegar (AVC) Before Bed

so why would you want to take apple cider vinegar  before bed well there's many reasons i'm going to   talk about the blood sugar reason acetic acid  which is the main acid in apple cider vinegar   is very anti-glycemic what does that mean it  means it reduces your blood sugars after a meal   acetic acid … Read more

Apple Cider Vinegar Benefits, Uses & Side Effects. Are There ACV Benefits Or Just Side Effects? 🍎🍏

https://youtube.com/watch?v=7EIHwsL4tKQ Benefits is there such a thing as well if you've been looking on the internet to see that there's probably more claims and more anecdotal evidence and more confusion and disagreement on apple cider vinegar than just about anything else out there who are the benefits real and if so what does it help … Read more

Top 10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

apple cider vinegar is packed with medicinal  properties that can provide several positive   health benefits for the human body this  explains why it has become a popular home   remedy for thousands of people around the world  over recent years with that said the question   remains does it actually work well research  and multiple studies have … Read more

Bowflex® Bodyweight Workout | Four-Minute Ab Workout

Hi I'm Tom Holland, Bowflex Fitness Advisor. This is the four minute ab toning workout. We're going to do four exercises, 30 seconds each, in a circuit fashion. We're going to do it two times through. We're going to begin with regular crunches. Slight variation we'll have one of each. So we're going to sit … Read more