Top 10 Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner

apple cider vinegar is packed with medicinal 
properties that can provide several positive   health benefits for the human body this 
explains why it has become a popular home   remedy for thousands of people around the world 
over recent years with that said the question   remains does it actually work well research 
and multiple studies have shown that apple   cider vinegar is quite effective in providing 
relief for a wide range of health complaints   and that is exactly what we are going to talk 
about in this video be sure to watch until the   end because there's one benefit that i think will 
surprise you so if you're ready let's get into it just a quick reminder we are not doctors 
this video is for informational purposes only   one of the most popular benefits of apple cider 
vinegar is that it can help with weight loss   when consumed on a regular basis this benefit 
is due to the high acetic acid content that   apple cider vinegar contains multiple studies 
have linked apple cider vinegar consumption   with lower levels of body fat this is especially 
true when combined with a restrictive diet   subjects in one study witnessed a decrease in hip 
circumference a reduction in triglyceride levels   and an increase in hdl cholesterol levels after 
consuming apple cider vinegar so for those   looking to shed a few pounds this is definitely 
something to consider the next benefit that i   want to mention is that it can lower blood 
sugar levels elevated blood glucose levels   is the common symptom of those with type 2 
diabetes and is caused by insulin resistance   multiple studies have linked the consumption of 
apple cider vinegar with meals to more stable   blood sugar levels keeping our blood sugar levels 
under control is extremely important when it comes   to living a long healthy life this is especially 
true since it's easy and economical to consume a   little bit of apple cider vinegar with meals in 
order to take advantage of this benefit speaking   of blood apple cider vinegar has also been shown 
to improve blood fat levels its high acetic acid   content can help reduce fatty deposits in 
our blood vessels while improving metabolism   researchers found a significant reduction in 
ldl cholesterol and triglyceride levels and   those who consumed apple cider vinegar they also 
noticed a significant increase in hdl cholesterol   which is the good type that our body needs 
in other words apple cider vinegar helps keep   the good fats gets rid of the bad fats and can 
significantly improve the lipid profile of those   who consume this powerful ingredient another 
great benefit is that it helps with digestion   again apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid 
which helps break down food and makes digestion   much easier this is especially true in people who 
suffer from low stomach acid apple cider vinegar   also promotes healthy intestinal flora which is 
the bacteria in our gut that aids in digestion   it is also believed to be beneficial in 
those who suffer from acid reflux which   is a common digestive disease that millions of 
people around the world are striving to avoid   switching gears just a bit apple cider vinegar 
is believed to promote healthy skin that's right   apple cider vinegar contains properties that 
can benefit your skin by exfoliating killing   pathogenic bacteria and balancing skin ph it 
contains malic acid which can unclog pores and   reduce acne this explains why individuals who 
suffer from acne also benefit from the topical   application of apple cider vinegar furthermore 
malic acid can reduce dark spots on the skin   as it can decrease the production of melanin with 
that said since the ph of apple cider vinegar is   mildly acidic it is important to dilute it with 
water before applying it to your skin not only can   it benefit your skin apple cider vinegar has also 
been shown to promote healthy hair the reason is   it can balance out the ph of your hair when 
dryness and damage occur from using shampoos   or other products some researchers even believe 
that it can help treat dandruff and reduce fungal   growth on your scalp although research is limited 
in this area but again as with skin application   apple cider vinegar should be diluted with 
water before applying it to your scalp   after application your hair should look more 
radiant and feel more smooth to touch the next   benefit that we need to mention is that it can 
boost your energy levels i mean who doesn't want   to feel more energetic throughout the day right 
apple cider vinegar can boost energy levels   simply by improving metabolism the acetic acid 
content prevents fat deposition allowing the body   to burn fatty acids for energy it also contains 
potassium electrolytes enzymes and amino acids   that help reduce lactic acid in the body which 
is often responsible for soreness and fatigue   so next time you need a boost of energy consider 
skipping coffee and take a shot of apple cider   vinegar instead not only can it boost your energy 
levels apple cider vinegar can actually boost   your immune system as well that is because it 
contains crucial antioxidants probiotics and   other properties that can provide antimicrobial 
protection as with all fermented food raw apple   cider vinegar contains probiotics that support 
gut health since microbiome health is tied   directly to an optimal immune system apple cider 
vinegar can improve immune system functionality   not to mention apple cider vinegar contains 
polyphenols that researchers believe can help   treat cold and flu-like symptoms which just 
so happens to be the next benefit on our list   people have been using apple cider vinegar 
to reduce cold symptoms for hundreds of years   after all hippocrates themselves suggested 
drinking a combination of vinegar and honey   to treat a persistent golf the reason is raw 
apple cider vinegar can reduce cold symptoms   because it contains probiotics researchers 
believe that probiotics are extremely beneficial   for the immune system and can reduce symptoms 
of influenza and respiratory infections and as   previously mentioned apple cider vinegar 
contains polyphenols and antioxidants   that can reduce inflammation and help 
in treating cold symptoms as well   another great benefit of apple cider vinegar 
is that it can help prevent muscle cramps   apple cider vinegar contains a high amount of 
potassium which has been shown to be effective   in preventing and alleviating cramping researchers 
believe that it can reduce the incidence of muscle   cramps and decrease the intensity as well also 
you've probably heard of people using pickle   juice as a way to treat cramping the reason 
is pickle juice contains a lot of acetic acid   and as i've already mentioned so does apple cider 
vinegar which explains why it is also useful in   preventing unwanted muscle cramps so just to give 
a quick recap apple cider vinegar can provide the   following impressive health benefits it can 
help with weight loss lower blood sugar levels   improve blood fat levels help with digestion 
promote healthy skin and hair boost energy   levels boost your immune system reduce cold 
symptoms and prevent muscle cramps these are just   a few of the many reasons why you can consider 
adding apple cider vinegar to your daily regimen   but real quick do me a huge favor and hit the like 
button it really helps support the channel and i   greatly greatly appreciate it and while you're 
down there go ahead and click the subscribe   button as well because we have a ton of other 
videos on our channel that i think you will enjoy   millions of people around the world are looking 
to take advantage of the health benefits   that can come from apple cider vinegar hopefully 
the information that you learned in this video   can help you do just that with that said keep in 
mind that we are not doctors in this video should   not be taken as medical advice again this video is 
for informational purposes only but hopefully you   learned a thing or two and hopefully you're now 
one step closer to improving your overall health   and thus improving the overall quality of your 
life if so be sure to let us know down in the   comment section below and if you want to learn 
even more about this topic we do have a full   guide on our website i'll drop a link to it right 
below this video down in the description thank you   so much for watching all the way to the end have 
a blessed day and as always real easy my friend you

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