Minimal Morning Mobility Routine – 4 Minutes, Full Body

but today i'm going to take you through a 
minimalist stretch routine i'm going to break it   up into two parts the first part is something that 
you can do every single day without fail sort of   like brushing your teeth it's simple but effective 
and so easy you'd be silly not to do it even on   your busiest days the second part is for when you 
have a little bit of extra time after doing the   bare minimum now think of this as maybe like the 
mouthwash after brushing your teeth to make things   feel extra nice oh and by the way i'm going to 
finish off and answering some common questions   so be sure to stick around to the end of the 
video for that pause the video right now to get   ready and then let's do this routine together all 
right so the bare minimum routine has only three   movements you want to look at doing 30 seconds 
each side where appropriate for a minute each   total of three minutes that's it we're going to 
start off with quadruped torso circles so starting   off with hands on the floor shoulder width apart 
shoulders over hands hips over knees from here   start off by pushing your back towards the ceiling 
and you're going to start working on rotating by   dropping to the side and down with your stomach 
and then going to the opposite side and pushing up   to the ceiling now the cool thing about doing this 
again we're doing this for 30 seconds on this side   is that you're also going to be stretching out 
the wrist just a little bit so there's a lot of   stuff going on in here also looking at looking 
stretching out the scaps getting things good and   ready to go for the day all right just one more 
and now we're going to switch go the opposite   direction so this time pushing to the side push 
away from the ground keeping your arms locked out   try and make as big of a circle as you can and 
again keeping the arms locked out as i mentioned   this is going to really help in making 
sure that you are hitting everything   that we want to hit when we're performing 
these quadruped torso circles we'll do one more   there we go so that was about a minute next 
off we're going to look at doing the lunge now   when you're performing this you want to look at 90 
90 so hip over the knee knee over the ankle here   you're going to squeeze your butt this 
is going to give a good pelvic tilt here   and squeezing that it's going to bring focus on 
the quad from here chest up we're going to pulse   forward and by squeezing your butt and bringing 
focus to the quad you're not going to be able   to go that far forward we're gonna do this for 
five reps and now let's just hold it right here   you're still squeezing your butt the chest 
is up should feel a really good stretch   all from all the way from your quad up into hip 
flexors keep holding this again this is going to   be 30 seconds on this side if need be you can use 
a prop for support in order to help you to keep   your balance alright that's about 30 seconds next 
off opposite side same deal knee over foot hip   over knee squeezing the butt chest is up pulsing 
forward while we continue to squeeze our butt   about five of these and we're going to 
hold it right here continuing to squeeze   chest is up that's a good stretch right there so 
again 30 seconds each side super super minimalist   if you will but we're going to be hitting 
everything just the bare minimum here minimum   in order to get as good and ready for the day 
right that's about 30 seconds now for the next one   let's say you're rushed for time and you 
only have one minute if you only have one   minute then i suggest focusing on this next 
movement only the bearish to bare minimum   what we're going to do is we're going 
to go from the a-frame into the squat   well we'll start off shoulders over the hands 
hips over the knees from here we're just going to   push the butt up into the air don't worry if you 
can't lock out your legs totally cool if you need   to bend your legs that's just fine hang out here 
for one two three you're going to walk your feet   forward going to go into the deepest squat that 
you can perform you might not be able to go as far   down as i'm doing right here perfectly fine hands 
go back on the floor you're going to step back   into this a frame position one two three stepping 
forward you can step forward with the same foot   each time our alternate really doesn't matter 
the most important thing is trying to go into   this deep squat bringing your chest up sinking 
as low as you can and then there are part of   me after that going back into the a-frame 
looking at doing this for a minute two three   continue going gradually going deeper and deeper 
into the squat trying to sit your butt down   towards your heels chest is up hands to the floor 
again raising the butt up into the air as you go   back into this a-frame position we'll make this 
our last one two three once again into your squat sinking deep chest up there you go there's your bare minimum routine all 
right now if you've got some extra time then here   are some things that you can add in we're going to 
start off with hanging and by the way if you don't   have a bar like i have don't worry i'm going 
to show you a little modification you can do   on the floor it's going to work out to be kind 
of similar to hanging all you're going to do is   grab a hold of the bar above hand shoulder width 
apart and simply hang it doesn't get any easier   than this now in the very beginning this might 
be difficult for you might need to have your toes   on the ground that's totally cool work up to 
being able to do a minute key thing here is   just relaxing in this position holding on you can 
bring your feet off of the ground and remember   this is just in the morning a little stretch here 
that we're after not trying to do anything fancy   at all now if you don't have a bar still cool 
here's a little thing that you can do that is   just go up on your toes here you're going to bring 
your hands out in front of you the key point is   pushing away as you pull your hips back it's going 
to be similar to hanging i know it's a little bit   different but hey if you don't have a bar you got 
to do what you can in order to make this work so   again as i'm pushing away from me my hands forward 
trying to sit my butt back as i'm doing this   and that's it really okay now so that's 
our first move first two moves actually   second thing that we're going to be looking 
at is actually doing torso rotation and so   we're going to start off this is going to be 
similar to the rotations that we did earlier here   but with a twist actually rotation but you 
can either take your hand to your back here   when you're doing it or you can even 
place your hand on the back of your head   now when doing this though i like to actually 
bring my base hand to the middle and then i'll   place the other hand here what we're trying 
to do is actively push away from the ground   and then open up the chest looking up at the 
ceiling then we'll drop the shoulder to the hand   and continue this movement we'll be holding this 
i like to do it about three times i'll hold for   about 10 seconds each drop down hold this a little 
bit and then continue again like i said you can   put your hand on the back of your neck if you 
would like um really preference it's up to you   as i mentioned i like to have my hand behind here 
make sure you do both sides by the way so here   dropping pushing down and away from the ground as 
we open up our body looking towards the ceiling   and there you have it all right next thing we're 
going to take a look at is the 90 90 position   so this is simply where we're getting into a 
modified pigeon type position why is this 90   90.

It's because we have our legs kind of at 
like a 90 90 degree yeah ryan that's not a 90   90. okay that's cool i get it but let's just call 
it a 1990 all right cool thing about this is you   can make adjustments depending on your range of 
motion you can pull the leg in closer in order to   make it a little bit easier for you the better 
flexibility and mobility you have you can bring   the leg further out key point though is just 
simply try to bring your chest over the middle   of your shin here so hands on both sides here 
chest is up i'm pulling the hip forward as i   pull forward two three four and five and you can 
just hang out here 30 seconds all right and 30.   all right now we're just going to switch sides 
same deal and you actually might find that one   side is a bit easier slowly cool remember you 
can just make adjustments by either bringing   the foot closer to you or further away from you 
both hands opening up on the side of the leg here   taking the chest over the top of the shin here 
pulling the hip forward just slightly one two   three four and five hanging out here about 30 
seconds and you know hey because you have a little   bit extra time you can adjust that time as well 
if you wanted to hold it up you know 45 seconds   or a minute it's totally cool it's up to you right 
okay so that's our 90-90 now the last thing we're   going to be looking at is a three-point bridge 
this is great this is going to open everything up   so when we're performing this just start off 
by having your feet about shoulder-width apart   you're going to take in this case my right hand 
placing it back behind me where my fingers are   facing that opposite wall i'm going to start 
off by taking my shoulder pulling it up and   rotating it back and down so i can bring my chest 
up now from here simply going to bring my hips up   how high should you bring them well this depends 
on your range of motion okay everything is up to   you and so just try and pull up but the 
key point is pushing down and through   getting this external rotation of the 
arm and so think of taking the elbow pit   rotating it out to the side this 
is going to help open everything up   you might find that you're rotating more towards 
your hand you might find that you can stay   up into this position no need to like extend your 
arm or anything just in the beginning just try and   get it to a position that's going to allow you 
to hold this position for about 30 seconds to   do that same deal opposite side like anything you 
might find it's easier on one side than the other   just try and focus on the cues that i'm giving 
you feet shoulder width apart fingers facing   backwards external rotation of the arm as you get 
into this position trying to keep the hips square   in this case to the ceiling like i mentioned 
earlier feel free to you know use your arms if   you want you can bring it back depending on your 
mobility but you know work up to about 30 seconds   when you're doing it so all right there you got 
it i gave you two different versions here the   bare minimum plus even one that just looks at the 
single movement which is the a-frame to the squat   if you only have one minute then do that movement 
that's where you start you got some extra time   then you can look at the other movements that it 
gave you like anything if you have any questions   feel free to leave them below and hey have a great 
day q a time first question what if i don't have   time for even the bare minimum no time for one 
minute that's crazy um i think you can't fit   that one minute in there if you are having trouble 
fitting in one minute of morning mobility then you   need to look at your priorities what if i can't 
get into a squat all right perfectly valid now   remember the movement that i showed you in here 
in terms of the squat should be done in a position   that's good for you just because you can't go all 
the way down the way that i did doesn't mean that   that's a bad thing because you just need to work 
at a level that's good for you gradually work on   getting better at your squat by the way check out 
our tutorials on the squat what if my wrists hurt   and i can't do this another question that we get 
a lot check out our wrist routine and just go at a   pace that's going to be good for you that's the 
main thing one other little thing a little tip   that can help is to take your fingers and rotate 
them out to the side slightly this will alleviate   a bit of this of the discomfort in your wrist 
why didn't you include any side flexion in this   okay remember this is kind of a minimalist routine 
and the reason that i chose these is because   it hits pretty much everything that we want if 
you do need some other stuff then hey by all means   feel free to do it what about breathing breathing 
is good if you're not breathing you're dying okay   uh i joke but not really uh breathing obviously 
you know many different protocols to do all i   suggest is whenever you're performing uh your 
morning mobility routine is to breathe in a way   that's good for you don't hold your breath while 
you're doing this next question should i do my   cold shower before or after this routine yes all 
right so should i do this routine every single day   if you can yes i actually have a morning routine 
that i do my mobility and pretty much every single   day i do it now there might be a day where i don't 
do the full thing but hey this is where i give you   the bare minimum routine that you can do i just 
really think if you stick with at least doing this   bare minimum routine it's going to help you it's 
a good start to your day now ryan you told me   that i should hold this for 30 seconds is there a 
period of time where i actually hold it too much   okay so i think you're asking like you know two 
can i hold it for two three five minutes you know   what i don't suggest that i say start off your 
morning just go 30 seconds to a minute at the most   and then be off with your day there's a lot of 
other little things in there why holding stretches   more than one minute might actually not make a 
difference that's a whole other video alright so   ryan is a safe to do immediately after waking up 
and should i do it before or after breakfast well   i think it's really up to you personally i just 
like to do my morning routine just right after   waking up that's just me i do it on an empty 
stomach for the reasons because i don't eat   breakfast but hey that's me do what feels right 
for you and you know maybe if you want to you can   try it before your breakfast and then after your 
breakfast and just see which one works best for   you hey ryan how can i grow luscious eyebrows like 
you i cover that over on my instagram account if   you like this video be sure to subscribe and check 
out all our other lovely videos on our channel

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