3 Ways to UNLOCK Your Brains FULL Potential and Use 100% of Your Brain

this video will show you 3 ways to
unlock your brains full potential I'm going to share with you practical tools
and mindsets that can radically change the way we view ourselves so that we're
able to live up to our full potential welcome back to another video my name is
Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness now in this video I'm
gonna be sharing some practical mindsets that I've used in my own life I'm gonna
intertwine that with some science and some research studies so that we can
apply these powerful tools and our own life so that we're able to live to our
full potential so I've shared this study before in a prior video and it's the
study where it was done on students and a teacher and what they did is in fifth
grade classroom what they did is they told a teacher that these kids are the
smart kids and these are the kids that are going to underperform so what
happened is the teacher then treated and had those certain expectations as to
which kids were the smart kids and which kids were the kids that were gonna
underperform and what happened was is those kids lived up to the expectations
and the way the teacher was treating them now what they did is halfway
through the year they said oh there's been a mistake
actually these kids are the smart kids and these kids are the kids that are
going to underperform so they switched it what happened is then those kids
lived up to the expectations once again and it's switched so it's like almost
the way the teacher was treating the kids was the way and the kind of
expectations were being fulfilled based upon how the teacher was treating them
so what this tells us is that we can treat our self in a certain way we can
have a certain mindset for ourselves and as we live up to that potential we're
more likely to break through those limitations and to start to really
experience what we are capable of so the first way that we can really unlock our
brains full potential has to do with letting go of the limitations that we
put on ourselves and starting to really view ourselves as able to accomplish
more so let me ask you a question how do you view yourself what is your full
potential do you believe that you're only using a small percentage of your
brain you know they say that a lot they say that we all
we use 10% of our brain in actuality we're using a hundred percent of our
brain the neural networks in our brain are using every area of our brain but
the idea is that maybe we're not focused and we're not thinking big enough so
that we're able to use a greater percentage of its potential so redefine
it first off and realize you use a hundred percent of your brain it's just
that we make it look like we're only using 10% because we tell ourselves that
over and over again and while there may be so much more potential than what
we've already experienced the first part of this is letting go of the definitions
and the limitations that we put on ourselves of what we think we are
capable of you know there's many times that people will kind of trick people
into thinking that they can do something just to see how they respond and if they
tell them it's easy they'll go do something that's hard but they'll think
it's easy and it will be easy for them so it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
so let me ask you how do you view yourself and that was something that I
went through because up until a certain point in high school I think it was my
freshman year in high school I used to not be good at school I just wasn't good
at thinking tests I didn't have a good GPA I wasn't taking honors classes and
there was something that tree I remember it was an English class and there was
something that triggered for me where I simply started to view myself as
somebody that was smart I kind of let go of that old label of just not being that
smart or not doing that well in school all of a sudden I started to do much
better and within a year I was taking honors classes I had a 3.8 GPA when I
graduated I think I graduated at and then like the top 40 of my class of like
you know hundreds of people and it simply came from switching and starting
to see myself as somebody that was smart versus before seeing myself as somebody
that wasn't as capable so the way that you can apply this in your own life is
the first off start to see yourself as somebody that is smart start to see
yourself as somebody that figures things out maybe has a high EQ as well as IQ
which means emotional intelligence able to read people in a powerful way this is
about understanding that this goes beyond just the knowledge of
regurgitating information that we may learn in school but if you start to view
yourself as someone that's quick-witted someone that has high EQ emotional
intelligence you'll find that that starts to
really affect you in a powerful way because you start to read people in a
new way you start to live 2-year full potential rather than the limitations we
set on ourselves because we're like oh I can only accomplish this much oh I'm not
that smart I can't figure that out that person over there he's pretty smart
that's why he's experienced that but what we can do is realize that we can
remove those limitations and understand that we're using a greater portion of
her brain we're using our whole brain to make it seem like we're only using 10%
but that 10% is the limitations we set on ourselves realize you can let go of
those definitions start to view your own self-image in a very powerful way and
you'll find that you start to live up to that self-image now the second way that
we can unlock our brains full potential has to do with letting go of what we
think we know now the reason I say this too is because when it comes to
understanding brain wave states Einstein said that you can't solve a problem from
the same level of consciousness that it was created now I was listening to I
think a Tony Robbins seminar the other day and something clicked for me I
realized something think of this in the form of brainwave
activities so we have first off like the more relaxed state or kind of like the
in between sleep and being awake which we could call the theta state which the
theta state is something we reach in deep levels of meditation when we wake
up in the morning we'll normally drifting in between the theta state then
we get to more of an alpha state and in an alpha state that's more of the
relaxed state we can be conscious for like watching television we might be in
an alpha state and if we're very relaxed we might be in an alpha state and
meditation we also get into an alpha state and then we get into the beta
state beta States the very alert state it's when we're more of doing medial
activities and it's the more surface level of consciousness now the idea is
that the beta state a lot of times can involve stress that can volved more of
the medial type things and what happens is if we create a problem from the beta
state of brainwave activity what happens is we can't actually solve it from that
same level of paradigm what we must do is move to a more alpha state and in the
Alpha brainwave state who are more likely and able to accomplish and solve
the problems of any state and problem that was created in the beta state now
in the same way we'll we can begin to learn to do is to access
these different levels of brainwave states and as we do that what we do is
we unlock our true potential for what we can accomplish because we are literally
ascending beyond the prior limitations and that prior paradigm of thinking so
think of this in the form of when you are feeling a certain way and maybe you
find yourself and you are feeling very jittery or you find yourself reacting or
stressful to a certain thing that's happening what you can do is take some
deep breaths oxygenate your body as you do that you're literally bringing more
oxygen into your brain you're making it more likely that you surpass that level
of consciousness so that you're able to then experience a new perspective you
know I thought about this because many times I'm in the shower and in the
shower I get kind of my thoughts start to really calm down it's like when I'm
taking a shower it's like I'm able to come up with very creative ideas and I
thought to myself why am I so creative while I'm taking a shower I think of all
these really great video ideas I come up with all these cool like unique ideas of
infusing different ideas together and what happens is I realize that when I'm
in the shower I'm in an alpha state I'm in a very relaxed state and I'm able to
access this new level of creativity so that's what we could begin to do begin
to learn there's certain times throughout the day when you're more
relaxed than others there's certain activities that will bring you into an
alpha or a theta state and that could be also meditation and then you're going to
be accessing more creativity now at the same time this is something that I'm
Stein also said is that imagination is so powerful so it's about understand we
can transcend logic we can get into imagination and in imagination there's
much more ability to make new connections in our brain to see things
in a completely new point of view it's almost like we get out of the paradigm
for the way that we're thinking and we expand outwards when we start to use our
imagination so use your imagination become more creative don't take
everything so literal don't think it's all about logic use also the right side
of our brain as well as the left side of our brain we can use logic for certain
things but realize that we can balance it out by seeing things from a creative
point of view and starting to get outside of our own comfort zone starting
to get outside of our own paradigm and we
transcend the beta state start to be in more of an alpha state and for in an
alpha state we can also meditate get to a theta state and we can start to see
our life in a completely new way and really a completely holistic way at the
same time this is a way that I've applied to my life to be more creative
to I allow myself to make new neuro submatik connections in my brain to new
idea so I'm able to think in a completely new way and if you apply in
your own life you'll find that you're able to solve problems that were created
in the lower paradigm and you're able to then find out and allow it from a higher
paradigm so simply realize that that's something that you can do and that as
you do it you'll find things get easier because you're coming at it from a
higher point of view now the third way to unlock your brain's full potential
has to do with understanding the power of our own state of being now with this
you may have experienced this before have you ever felt resistance about
something and you found yourself not able to remember maybe something very
simple maybe you weren't able to remember your own phone number or maybe
you were looking for something that was right in front of your face but you
couldn't see it because of the state of being you were in maybe you went over to
the counter and you were inside their cabinets and you were looking for salt
and you couldn't find the salt and you kept telling yourself I can't find the
salt and in reality it was right in front of you the whole time but because
maybe you were feeling resistance you kind of blocked it out and he kept
telling yourself I can't find it and that became a self-fulfilling prophecy
so that's kind of the way our brain works our brain will tone out certain
things depending on our own state of being the emotions that we're feeling
and also the self-fulfilling prophecies of what we tell ourselves now with this
understand that anytime you find yourself feeling not so well you find
yourself feeling resistance that encapsulate activity that you're using
this is also kind of similar to the second one of understanding the alpha
brainwave states and how we must transcend the lower paradigm in order to
use more potential that we have so just get yourself to a place of feeling
better understand that when you're feeling more curious when you're not
making everything so serious you're not making it so rigid you're not putting
yourself in a little bubble that also has those definitions from the first one
as well so this is about knowing that our own state of being
dictating how much of our brain were able to use I know that when it comes to
creating videos when I'm in a flow state when I'm in a state of being that is
feeling like everything is coming to me it like feels just everything's
happening at the right time everything happened so easily but the moment I feel
resistance or I start to beat myself up I find that things start not to flow
that smoothly so the idea behind this is knowing that figure out and feel where
you're coming from and as you decide to feel better this can be simple decision
you're gonna focus on what makes you happy you're gonna go take a break from
doing something you're gonna let go of the resistance as you start to feel
better you'll start to access other parts of your brain you'll find yourself
expanding outside of those limitations that you put on yourself and from that
place you'll find that things happen in a much easier way and as you tap into
that flow state everything will begin to change so remember to use your brains
full potential all you have to do is first off have the self image that you
are smart that you have a high EQ as well as IQ which means emotional
intelligence decide to let go of your own definitions your own limitations
question your own limitations ask yourself is this true for me you'll
realize it's just an attachment to a certain experience or a certain ideology
and as you let go of those self-fulfilling prophecies you're able
to expand your own potential secondly as you decide to go deeper than the own
level of consciousness that maybe the problems were created as you decide to
get to a more relaxed state what you do is you start to see things from a higher
point of view so find out what your flow states are find out when you're in those
states of being and start to be creative from that point of view and then thirdly
your state of being is so powerful in this process simply choose to feel happy
choose to focus on things that serve you and as you develop that momentum you'll
find that you break out of those limitations and you start to really live
up to your full potential so with that being said I hope you guys enjoyed this
video feel free to like this video if you liked it subscribe if you haven't
ready also hit that little notification gear right next to the subscribe button
so that you're able to see the daily vids that I do and other than that I
will see you guys on the next day peace much love namaste

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