Polarity Technique to Improve Sleep & Reduce Stress

Suppose your loved one is sick in ICU
or hospitalised or at home recuperating, polarity will accelerate the recovery. Polarity is very helpful, especially
when someone is sick in your family. You can't sleep at night, for
example, when you yourself are not able to sleep, you can request your
spouse, “Do this Polarity on me. I would like to sleep better.” So in
less than 5 minutes you will fall flat. You will begin snoring actually. So each participant and faculty and all
those who are listening, I wish that you all learn, besides meditation, Polarity. And the technique of Polarity becomes
very potent with your meditative mind. So they go together actually. My personal experience also. It is not that I don't find it
difficult… I mean, I do find it difficult to sleep sometimes. Once or twice a month, I do struggle. Even though I close my eyes,
meditate and it begins.

For two, three hours I
will just lie down in bed. Sometimes it will go on until 2 am at
night and I am so fresh at that time. But you need to sleep. Though you are so fresh and you
don't need to sleep you are forced to sleep so that, you know, in
the morning you wake up fresh. The mind requires some level of freshness. So I would request someone to
remotely or in person give me Polarity and it helps me go to sleep. I am sure it will help many people. I cite another example to you,
how it helps during sickness. Suppose your loved one is sick in ICU
or hospitalised or at home recuperating, Polarity will accelerate the recovery.

I have seen many cases where they
get so stressed, people with cancer. You know, anyone would get
stressed hearing of cancer. But Polarity, I think it
gives you so much of peace. Meditation, of course, removes
a lot of other issues related to sickness and samskaras. But Polarity balances our energy level. Energy aura, our pranamaya
kosha, is affected because of this Polarity treatment. Anyway, so a few things you can
incorporate teaching at institutions. Polarity is one. Meditation and antah karan
suddhi, meaning Cleaning. Downloading, you know, how to use
the [Heartfulness] app, practically making people go through this
App, how to make use of this App.

It can be a half-hour session for people. You can download Heartfulness
magazine because some great articles are available in Heartfulness
magazine which you can share. Some of the articles are so
touching that you feel like sharing the same with your children. I do still remember my childhood,
in the late 1950s and 1960s, my father would read some stories. I am not talking about bedtime stories. Whenever a magazine came
home, he would loudly read it. Everybody would hear it. Something would hit your head and
say, “Okay, this is an interesting story.” Some jokes will also go
a long way with your children. Don't keep preaching your children. Share some nice stories
and jokes from magazines.

Share your meditation experiences
with them so they get inspired. But if you are busy with your
phones, they are busy with their phones, this knowledge transfer,
wisdom transfer will never happen..

As found on YouTube