At Home Spinal Adjustment -Do It Yourself At Home (back pain relief)

Hey, Dr. McNamara here, and I wanted to show
you guys an at home adjustment for the thoracic spine. Now this adjustment is good for a lot of those
individuals that kind of lose that kyphosis, that natural kyphosis in the thoracic spine,
and kind of end up with a little bit of a straight kind of back position like that. So let me show you here, here really quick. And the only equipment you're gonna need is
a foam roller. So now individuals that can that have that
flat back, they lack flexion.

So what you want to do. For this adjustment is you want to find the
sore tender spots on the thoracic spine. And then when you find a spot, that's not
moving so well, you're going to take your head and you're going to apply a little bit
of a flexion force forward into the thoracic spine, just like this. Okay. I'm not sure if you heard any of those pops,
but I had some good releases right there. So if you guys have some of that, mid-back
thoracic type of pain, and that type of posture. Go ahead and try this out. And. See if that helps..

As found on YouTube