10 Common Signs Of A Zinc Deficiency

10 common signs that you are deficient in zinc zinc is an essential trace mineral which our body uses for over 300 important functions such as making dna unfortunately many people are deficient in this nutrient because they have digestive problems or consume too many junk foods which depletes it in today's video we will take a look at the 10 common signs that you are deficient in zinc and how to fix this 1. loss of taste or smell one of the most common signs that you do not have enough zinc is a loss of taste and smell this most commonly happens when people are infected with the virus or pathogen because the body uses up its zinc stores to help fight off the illness two hair loss hair loss is also a common symptom of a zinc deficiency because it plays a role in building dna and hair strands if you do not absorb enough zinc the hair will most likely thin out over time this is more common in men because zinc supports testosterone 3.

Low testosterone men who are deficient in zinc may experience low testosterone levels this can cause erectile dysfunction shrinking testicles and muscle weakness zinc supports healthy testosterone levels in both women and men 4. wounds that won't heal because zinc takes part in cell proliferation if you don't have enough your body may struggle to heal cuts and wounds eating oysters is a great way to replenish your zinc if you have this problem 5. regular colds another sign would be having cold infections on a regular basis zinc plays a part in the replacement and turnover of all of your cells in the body if you do not have enough it can slow your immune system which makes you more likely to catch a cold 6. leaky gut if you have any autoimmune diseases or skin problems like eczema and psoriasis then you likely have a leaky gut this condition uses up your zinc stores because your intestinal tract is trying to heal itself we recommend cabbage juice and collagen for repairing a leaky gut 7. depression people who suffer with depression and low mood are often deficient in zinc zinc helps to make neurotransmitters in your brain which make you feel good such as dopamine zinc is also used in hundreds of enzyme processes which help your synapses in your brain to communicate eight muscle weakness if you are working out but find it very exhausting and difficult then you may need more zinc the body uses zinc when building muscle especially as it helps to heal them after a heavy workout 9.

Ulcers if you frequently suffer with stomach ulcers or mouth ulcers then getting more zinc into your diet can really help eating shellfish can quickly heal these source because the zinc and b vitamins will replenish your body so that it can make dna faster and repair the damaged cells 10 diabetes most diabetics are deficient in zinc because the pancreas uses up this mineral to make insulin and release it into the body taking a supplement of zinc can help to replenish this on a regular basis if you have diabetes or pre-diabetes 11. unusual signs there are a few other unusual signs that you may want to look out for which can also indicate that you are lacking zinc dwarfism hearing loss with age high blood pressure slow or poor nail growth stretch marks cold hands and feet and white spots on the nails 12. why am i deficient the most common reason people are deficient in zinc is because they consume too much refined sugar or flour-based foods which depletes your zinc whole grains such as those found in bread also block your absorption of zinc because they contain phytates if you have colon damage or digestive problems this may also interfere with your absorption of zinc 13.

How to get more zinc start eating more zinc rich foods including oysters shellfish seaweed beef liver oily fish and grass-fed meats you can also take apple cider vinegar capsules to improve absorption be sure to cut out refined foods as much as possible 14. zinc storage the body does not have a storage mechanism for zinc which means that we have to replenish it every single day from the foods that we eat if you're ill with an infection or an injury you will need more zinc to restore your cells 15 zinc test it's very easy to find out if you are zinc deficient by purchasing a simple test to use at home these are very cheap and involve tasting a zinc tablet or liquid if you can't taste the zinc then that means you're deficient but if you already have enough the tablet will taste strong and unpleasant 16.

Supplement we recommend taking a daily supplement of chelated zinc in the form of zinc by glycinate chelate the standard dosage is around 20 to 30 milligrams a day and can really help to support your overall health as you can see zinc is an absolutely essential nutrient for supporting the immune system the turnover of cells and the production of hormones like testosterone to learn more about the benefits of zinc and other healthy nutrients please select our important nutrients playlist at the end thank you very much for listening a like is always appreciated and remember to subscribe and tap the bell for more healthy videos i wish you great health wealth and happiness

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