5 Minutes Acupressure point massage to relieve Sciatica and Lower Back Pain | How to cure Sciatica

namaste everyone in this video i'm going to 
tell you how to do the acupressure massage for   lower back pain or sciatica pain so if you have 
problem related to your l5 l4 s1 s2 where is this   the root of the sciatica nerve where the disc 
bulges out and it pinches the sciatica nerve   and you feel the numbness in your both the legs 
or sometime in one leg whatever is the condition   you can use this massage for five minutes and 
just see the benefits now i'm going to tell you   how to do this massage i am using a special oil 
for this massage i have taken a mustard oil and   the mustard oil i have heated up and i have put 
some fenugreek seeds the methidana seeds in this   mustard oil and i kept it overnight because 
the methidana seeds or the fenugreek seeds   has the anti-inflammatory properties and if you 
use this oil for massaging these certain points in   your lumbar spine and the sciatica points then you 
get instant relief with this oil so let me tell   you how to do this massage so i'm going to take my 
left hand first it's better to do in the left hand   and then i'm going to locate the point where you 
need to do the massage so if you see in my hand   between these two fingers the ring and the 
middle finger there is a point if you press   you will find a pit and when you feel the pit is 
ending this is the point of your l5 so number five   and you just above this there is a point of s1 
so mostly the now pinches in this area which is   l5 and the s1 and below the l5 there is a l4 so 
basically we need to massage this whole point   so you can mark it with some marker or 
some sketch pen to just locate the area   so i have taken this sketch pen so i'm just 
pressing pressing pressing then i'll find   a hard bony structure over here this is my l5 
point so what i'm going to do i'm just going to   draw a line over here like this so i'll just 
massage the whole part rather massaging only   l5 l4 or s1 so wherever is the root 
for sciatica it will be taken care of further i go to the sciatica now so you see 
i am going to mark here the sciatica nerve   point the inside of my ring finger and the 
inside of my middle finger so you can mark here now i'm going to take the oil so you use the 
oil by using your thumb so dip your thumb in   the oil and just apply here and just keep 
massaging like this and also here or on the   entire fingers you can use so i'm using the 
oil i'm going to massage with this oil nicely   so there are several methods of massaging 
this point so first you just massage like this   up and down up and down up and down it has to 
be for three to five minutes not less than that   because these points should be stimulated 
nicely then only you will get the relief   and also you need to do this massage every day 
at least for 15 days until you get the relief   you will get the relief within a day only if 
you're having a severe pain in your sciatica   nerve severe numbness in sitting and standing 
you will have an instant relief in this problem   so like this i'm massaging so any kind of 
lower back pain you have you will get relief by   massaging these points this is your 
whole lumbar spine the lower back   so you keep massaging nicely now just press 
and release method on each point press and   release press and release press and release 
press and release keep doing this way press   release press release especially the point 
which i showed you the pit is ending there   on that point i'm going to press and release 
press and release press and release keep doing   so after massaging this point 
probably for two to two and a   half minutes i'm shifting my thumb to this 
point which is inside of my middle finger   or i'll just massage my whole middle 
finger like this also this is another way   like this you can massage probably one minute 
this finger and another minute you can just   take this finger both the fingers nicely are 
massaging and you can just use the same press   and release method everywhere especially 
on the sciatica now point and also here there is one more point on 
the middle finger if you see   uh towards your ring finger this side so if you 
just if you have too much pain and you are not   getting any relief then you use this point this 
is a meridian point just press and release press   and release press and release press and release 
press and release this can be done 30 seconds   and then you again massage the entire part by 
using your thumb inside outside keep massaging now after massaging these points i'm going 
to use the seed therapy to stimulate further   so this you can do the last thing in the night 
and then you put the seed and sleep so how to   use the seed and what seed you need to use so i'm 
going to take a tape which is a micro pore tape   or you can use a tape in your house and just 
take a piece of this tape and i have got some   soya bean seeds you can use the dry pea seeds also 
and i'm just going to make a line with this seats like this so if you see i have made this kind of 
strap of the tape and now you take it nicely and   where you're going to put it you're 
just going to put it from here   to here now if you understand i have covered my s1 
and the l the lumbar spine completely you can put   two three layers of the tape and stick it nicely 
and then you can sleep in the night and morning   you can remove it you will get lot of relief 
and if you have a further pain if you have a   too much pain still you are not able to release 
the pain then i'm going to tell you one more   seed therapy which where i'll be using 
another seed which is the fenugreek seeds as   in the massage also we have put the fenugreek 
seeds it has anti-inflammatory properties so   here i'm taking another tape and i'm 
going to put my fenugreek seeds like this properly everywhere nicely and then i'm going to put it on   the sciatica now point so i told you the point is 
inside of these two fingers so you can it's little   difficult to stick them but you can use two three 
tapes and stick it nicely and like this you can use so this you can use in both the 
fingers like this and keep it overnight   and you can wrap it with two three more 
tapes and keep it for overnight and morning   you can remove these this treatment you 
have to do for minimum 15 days to see   the permanent results hope you will like the video 
and you will try this therapy thank you everyone so

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