#16.1 Mealtime, Food and Senior Nutrition (1 of 5)

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\pard\pardeftab720\sa400\ql\qnatural \f0\fs20 \cf2 Hi! I am Mary Alexander from
Home Instead Senior Care, the national leader in providing in home care for seniors.\
Today I am here in the Betty Crocker Kitchens talking about Senior Nutrition. Many seniors
lack good nutrition, which is dangerous for both their physical and psychological health.\
The result of a Home Instead Senior Care study show that one in five seniors say that he
or she sometimes or most of the time feels lonely when eating by themselves. In fact,
they say their biggest meal time challenge is the lack of shared family experience, including
lack of companionship.

This lack of socialization at meal time is resulting in some 44% of seniors
who live alone showing at least four warning signs of poor nutritional health.\
There are also some aging and medical conditions that might cause your parents to alter his
or her eating habits that can result in diminished health. These conditions include loss of the
ability to taste and/or smell, physical challenges, loss of appetite, dementia and other cognitive
problems, depression and transportation and budget issues.\
Interestingly, a majority of seniors who live alone say they eat more nutritiously and the
food actually tastes better when eating with others. However, the most common obstacle
preventing these seniors from sharing more meals is their family and friends don't have
enough time.\ There are several actions you can do to help
your senior loved one have better nutrition and eating habits. From helping them prepare
for and shop for groceries to helping them select foods that are high in nutrition and
loaded with important vitamins, minerals, and fiber, to giving them ideas on how to
prepare foods that are not only good for them but tastes good too.\
And lastly, engaging in conversation with them, thereby providing the vital companionship
they need in order to have a happy and enjoyable meal time experience.}

As found on YouTube