Single Leg Squats, For Beginners, Any Age Increase Leg Strength & Balance At Home

♪ Bob and Brad ♪ ♪ the two most famous ♪ ♪ physical therapists ♪ ♪ on the internet ♪ – Howdy folks, I'm Bob
Schrupp, physical therapist. – Brad Heineck, physical therapist. – Together we the most
famous physical therapists on the internet. – In our opinion of course, Bob. – Well our opinion matters. Today we're going to talk
about single leg squats for beginners, any age.
– That's right. – Even if you're older, and we're going to show you
how to increase leg strength and balance at home. – There you go. Yup, Bob, you know, leg
strength, single leg squats. It's like winter time, I
wanted to keep my legs strong, keep my balance, but I
can't do a single leg squat unless I have a little
modification, then it's easy, and we're going to show you three ways.

– Plus you don't really
need any equipment. – No.
– Oh You need, Oh for one of them you do.
– Nothing special, Nothing you have to spend money on. – Yeah, nothing that will cost a lot, so. By the way, if you're new to our channel, please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos, how to stay healthy, fit, pain-free, and we upload every day.

Are we giving away Pizza Choice here? – No, future! – Oh it's a future. We don't know what we're giving away. Go to, go
to the giveaway section. You could tell us what we're giving away. We don't know it because
it's a future video. – Yeah, it'll tell you there. – Yeah, oh I know we'll
also pin to the top of the page on Facebook, so check it out there.
– Yes.

– Go to Twitter, Instagram or TikTok if you want a 60 second
version of our program, and by that future, we should be on Zen. – Yeah, plus we've got a podcast if you don't want to look at our faces. All right, Bob, single leg squats. Again, you're working
quad, you're working hip. I love this because then
you can throw balance in there.
– Sure! – Which is really nice
to have good balance. – Really important. – And whether you're young,
or you're old, you know, we don't like falling.

If you're an athlete, you want to be… – Maximal balance.
– Exactly. So let's go to the first option. Number one. Oh, wait, I want to back up. – Sure. Three rules you want to follow to keep your joints and your body safe is we're not going to
break the 90-90 rule. – Right. – So, I'll do it with this chair so I don't have to hang out. So, we're not going to
squat past 90 degrees on the knee flexion- – Which is a right angle.

– Yep, or 90 degrees at the hip. So right here,
– Which is a right angle. – I'm right there right now. What we don't want to do
is squat way down here, and there's some controversy on this in the weightlifting world, but we're saying that you're going to take stress off your
knees and your hip, and overall it's a safer way to do it, particularly for beginners.

– I would rather be safe than have you try to gain a little more strength
by going down further. – Right, you'll get plenty of strength. – You'll get plenty of strength. – The next one, keep the toes, oh, let's use this.
– [Bob] Behind the knees. – [Brad] Yep, so, when
you're squatting down, you don't want this. You want to keep this vertical line, and you can actually put
a stick there if you want and make sure your knee doesn't- – Because you can actually go, not go past 90 and still go, the knee could go all the way out. – Right, yeah, I'll demonstrate that. And then the next one, – Knee over toes. – Yeah, that's the same one we just did. – Oh yeah. – There's a, there was another one. – I thought you wanted to have three. – Yeah, there was, I
don't know what happened. Anyways, it'll show up.

– Senior moment.
– There you go. Sit to stand off a chair. Now this is one, a nice way to begin, but you need a chair,
solid chair, good armrests. Okay, I'm going to take this leg, and go off of here, and
just go up and stand, and then go back down, okay? Now, if you're having
a hard time with this, and you've just started,
and you still want to do it because you work the balance,
add something to the chair. Now, this is about an
inch and a half higher and it's much easier.

– Makes a big difference. – Yeah, inch, two inches on this particular
exercise, very noticeable. I'm going to recommend
five to 10 repetitions. You know, start up to five, go up to 10. – Yeah, and see how your leg handles it. – Right.
– See how sore you get. – So you can start again. My knee is behind my toe. If you can do 10 of them by using both hands to
progress, go to just one hand. This hand will stay up. Actually, if it's my right foot down, I like to do it with my left
hand, and work 10 that way. And then eventually, you know, you can get to this, and then you can see the balance component really add in. – And you're going to see
how much it's working too. – Exactly. Obviously do both legs.
– Yeah. – Okay, so option number two. That was number one. Now, this one you do need
to have piece of equipment. You need to have a ball. – And these are very
inexpensive, I mean you can- – You really don't even need
to get an exercise ball.

I mean, these are rated
for like 600 pounds. You can sit on it.
– Right. – You don't, if this is
all you're going to do, you can get a good sturdy ball that you're going to get at the store. – Sure.
– But anyways… – A big box store would have them in big pens. – Yeah, oh yeah, yep. So, you put it, you
could use a smaller one but it's not as comfortable on your back. – Yeah. – So, this is what I'm going to do. Step, step, step, step out like that. – You got to have good
shoes on with good grip. – Yeah. – Because you will slide right out- – Yeah, when you go down
and your feet slip out, down you go, absolutely. – Yep, you'll have a butt injury then.

– Yep, Bob, can you grab
that chair for me please? – Sure. – You know, you can use a stick, you can use a chair, you know, if you're beginning at this, so you got something to hold on to on both sides is good to start. I'm going to move the chair
back just so you can see. – These are nice because
they really support the back. This is really, really easy for you to
maintain proper knee. – Yep, see, this is good.

Oh, I've got to- – That's why you got to step out a bit. – Get down to my 90 degree here and 90 degree there. And then once you get that mechanics on then you can go to your one leg. I like to start and I'll cross like this, and then you got a little assistance here. – Sure. – And if you can't make
it all the way down to 90 because you feel like you're going to collapse down to the
floor, don't go that far. – Yeah, just do some shallow ones. – Yep, partial squats to start with. As you get better, raise this
leg up, then you can go down and you can take your hand away from here.

You know, if you're, this
is much more difficult. So, progress at a safe rate. Two hands, not all the
way down, and then get up. – No falls. – Oh yeah. Absolutely not.
– No injuries. – Okay, so, I've got one more option. And actually there are some other options to progress that are more advanced that we're not going
to show in this video. – That's not for beginners, Brad. – That, that's right. But… – Is this the the one you want? – Yeah. I know I go on and on
about the loop straps.

– Yeah, these are the exercise loops, and they come with five different colors, and five different intensities. – Right, so that, you know- – That's the medium one, I mean the middle, right? – Right, exactly. You need a solid anchor
or someplace to hold it that's going to hold a good
amount of weight, okay? We use the anchor. You're not going to go
around a piece of furniture because it's probably going
to pull the furniture away. – I put it around my treadmill,
which is pretty hefty. – There you go. Yep, if you've got weightlifting equipment that's solid steel, heavy
devices, that'll work.

And I'm just going to go back,
put it around my back here. And then, again, the same body mechanics. Bob, you want to grab a broom stick? – Yeah, he looks like he's
keeping his everything straight. and he's not going too crazy on the… Now your head should be ideally like that. – Yep, yep, there you go.
– All right, there you go. – Look at my knee position. – Three points of contact, yep. – Now, I like this because
you can actually hold this for balance, or you could, you know, grab a stick or a chair
like we had before. I'm just going to hold here, and then I'm going to go to my single leg.

We'll do it this way. And the same thing. I'm not going to go down all
the way on this, on this one. – Sure. – Actually, I think what I would do is go to the next strap up to get a little more.
– A little more support. – Yep, because my leg is not strong enough and I get tired from
the other, other ones. Again, I'm just starting
these for the winter, winter months. So, you can work any
three of those options, – Yeah. – And you know, be
careful, take your time, but you're going to increase
your strength, your balance. And Bob, once again, – We can fix just about anything. – Except for?
– A broken heart. – Yeah, but this is not
going to help either. We're not going to put this
in the chapter of the book. – All right. Thanks for watching..

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