7 Strengthening Exercises ALL Seniors Should Do! Period! + Giveaway!

♪ Bob and Brad ♪ ♪ the two most famous physical
therapists on the internet. ♪ – Hi, folks, I'm Bob
Schrupp, physical therapist. – Brad Heineck, physical
assault, physical therapist. – And together we have the
most famous physical therapists on the internet. – In our opinion, of course, Bob. – Gotta work on that English language. Today, we're gonna talk about
seven strengthening exercises all seniors should do period. This should be for beginners too. It could be for anybody who's just starting off strengthening. – Right, but they're
good functional exercises that are gonna help you,
day to day activities. – Right. I read one time, Brad,
that as you get older, you can lose as much as five percent of your strength a year if you're not doing
anything to maintain it.

And that, you're gonna go on
to zero pretty fast. (laughs) – Right. And then, if you wanna be efficient and do exercises that carry
over into your daily activities, these are them.
– We want functional exercise. Why do it, if it's not
gonna apply to your life. So, by the way, if
you're new to my channel, please take a second to subscribe to us. We provide videos how to
stay healthy, fit, pain free, and we upload every day. Also, this is our first
giveaway video for this. Go to bobandbrad.com. We're giving away… Actually, if you wanna pan over, we're giving away some wall anchors and a set of our exercise bands.

– And you'll see how they work shortly. – Yeah, just this is a good time, Brad, 'cause we're coming into the winter months and people can't go to their gyms, in some states. – As well as it's still
convenient at home. – That's right. Don't have any excuses. Go to the giveaway section
and sign up for it, or go to Bob and Brad on Facebook. You can sign up there. It'll be pinned to the top of the page go to Twitter, Instagram, or Tik Tok if you want a 60 second
version of our program. All right, so these are the exercises I feel like it's gonna cover most of the body. We wanna make sure we got pulling. We got pushing. We got lifting, all those things that
you need to do in life.

– Right, ankle strengthening for – [Both] Balance.
– Yes, we wanna make sure nobody's falling over on us. So I'm gonna start off with, biceps, Brad, because that's a very important one. Now the thing about these wall anchors, it can be attached many different ways. I actually liked to do it this way, Brad. I have to loop it through
first, and then go like that. So then it really stays, and then you can actually
even work just one and it won't slide.
– Yeah, one at a time or both. – So in fact, when I do
biceps with the bands, I start off with just
one band as a warmup. And then I grab actually both handles and I go work it this way.
– Double the resistance. – Yeah, double the resistance. And it's just a great way to build up, get some hypertrophy. – In other words, bigger muscles.

– Bigger muscles, yeah. Now you can also do these,
you're short on time, and this will work a
little bit on your core and balance a little bit too. You can actually work biceps this way too. There's a lot of different
ways you can do it. – And if you wanna simply
increase resistance, take a step forward, Bob.
– Yeah, if I step forward, I'm gonna work harder. – Why, my goodness. Look at one of those veins bulge out, Bob. (Bob laughs)
You are strong like bull. – All right, so, Brad,
you're gonna do the next one. – Oh, absolutely. – That was the pulling one kind of. We like when you lift things. – From the floor. – Yeah, when you push things like you're gonna push someone over. I don't know. – No, if you're pushing door,
a lawnmower, grocery cart. – [Bob] It comes up quite often in life. – Yep, exactly. I'm just gonna simply work it this way. It's simple. I'm going to pull.
– You're not doing, hey.

– What?
– You're gonna flip around, chest first. – Oh, you wanna do chest first? Sorry, Bob. (snickers) That'll never happen again. That's a nice thing about the wall anchor. You can just flip around. You don't have to worry about
them getting tangled up. but get your base first. Don't keep your feet close
together, shoulder width, and I like a staggered base. You have better balance. And this is the way it is
in everyday life as well when you move things. And if you're gonna push
something heavy forward, we're doing the same
exact activity, motion, muscle groups with the bands. – What's nice about this is I don't think you need to do triceps, because you're getting triceps with this. You're getting chest and triceps. So, again, we're getting most of the body. – What about this?
– And balance and core.
– Core, oh yeah. So, I'll do 10 of these. And I think on all these,
you can do 10 to 15.

If you wanna do more, you can. – Yeah, especially the posture exercise. So this is the posture one
that Brad was first starting. Now, there's a lot of
different ways you can do this. But the main thing that
you're trying to do is get those shoulder blades
squeezing together. – I'll come forward so they… – Yeah, you're working
those posture muscles trying to maintain, so that the
scapula, the shoulder blades aren't starting to sink down on you. And you're getting that
rounded out posture on.

Yep, like that. So, Brad, do you wanna show
how you can go higher too and lower and all that?
– Yeah. So you may do maybe
three or five like this. And then if he has to get a little closer, 'cause if you do them like this, you wanna…
– Yeah, you're actually externally rotating. You're turning your arm out, which is great, because the
shoulders, for a lot of people, are turned in like this. So if you work at going out like that, you're working those external rotators and working the posture. Those are the ones that
I actually do, Brad, with the band right now are these, because it seems to work the best. – And I can feel those posture muscles. They're burning right now a little bit.

It does the job. – All right, you gotta
have squats in there, Brad, because squats, you're always
trying to pick stuff up, and I want you to pick up properly. I'm gonna actually have you show the Booyah Stick on me, Brad. So I don't squat very
low, because I'm old, but you always wanna have your hips as far apart as possible. And then you're gonna
squat down like this.

I like to bring my arms up, 'cause it's a posture
thing, too, right away. That's how I do them. You don't have to do it that way. – No, you don't have to do them that way. You can go like this. – See, he's got a nice arch in his back. Shoulders are back. His head is back. Everything is just wonderful. – We even teach this sometimes,
if you have a Booyah Stick or a stick like this, to
start doing them like this, so to teach yourself to do them correctly, keeping the back straight. And also you're trying to
stay back a little bit, so you're not leaning too far forward and bending knees too far
forward over the foot. – Right.

– Okay, why don't we–
– Oh, you're not gonna show the one with the band? – Oh no, that's the end. – Oh. (laughs) – That's coming up here, Brad. So you're doing hip abduction. – Yeah, yep, exactly. So hip abduction, to put a
little resistance on there, there's a strap like this. It's Velcro, goes around your ankle. I already have it on the other ankle. And I'll just get this
off and put this on. – [Bob] See, look at how
quickly he does that. – And, Bob, can you pass
me the Booyah Stick? – I figured you'd want that.

– You can use a chair's backrest. You can use a cane, whatever you want. And we're gonna get the right distance. And I'm gonna go out like this. And that's gonna strengthen
that hip abductor muscle, which is really critical
for stability with walking, and it keeps your balance. It's probably one of the key hip exercises to keep you upright and
without that Trendelenburg, this wobbly gait we refer to, but you can, if you wanted to, you can add.
– I was just gonna say, Brad, add the bonus. Show them you can go in
every direction here. And it's a great one to do, Again, balance is so
important as you get older. And many people that we see
(laughs) have found out, because they've broken something. – [Brad] Right, exactly. And, boy, I like this one a
lot, 'cause it works that glute and it works your posture.
– Gets a little bit of the back too. – And I'm not doing this. And that's what all of them.

Don't let your upper body go like this. Keep it strong, straight
torso, work in the hip. There you go, Bob.
– All right. Why don't you take that one off, Brad? I'll put this one on. – All right. – Now this is a little bit unusual one. I don't know what people
are gonna think of this, but it actually is a great
one for working your glutes, your gluteus maximus, and actually it works
your back a little bit too and your legs, I mean, overall. So, basically, you're gonna
put it on the lower one. You want a fair amount
of resistance on this, 'cause this is a pretty strong muscle. So I keep both hands forward like this. My back is in straight posture like this. – Right here. – And then I'm just gonna
arch, thrust forward, basically with my pelvis. – So he's not moving his arms up, 'cause we're working that
glute, the butt muscles, the hip, and the low back. We're getting a little
hamstring in there as well. – Now, one thing you wanna
do with all these exercises actually is actually focus on the muscle that you're strengthening, because actually they have
proven through studies by focusing on that muscle, you actually get more hypertrophy.

When I was doing these
the first time, Brad, I had a bunch of bands on there. Man, I tell you, I was sore the next day. (Brad laughs) It really doesn't take much. With a lot of these, you gotta be careful that you don't overdo it the first time. – If you wanna get bands and you wanna make sure
you get good bands, we have Bob and Brad
bands, which we have here. The yellow one is the easiest one. The blue one is the middle one. We have a black one.
– It comes with five. – Five bands, exactly. – Really high quality handles too. We made sure of that when they first started
showing us some ones that we didn't think were up to par. – They had to hold 300
pounds on one statically, and they take it all.

– All right, Brad, we're
gonna do some calf raises. – Oh, give me the stick.
– And we'll finish with that. – You can hold onto the
back of a chair, a cupboard. I'm gonna use the Booyah Stick, because it's so convenient here. – Another balance activity. – Feet, two shoulder widths wide. Don't go like this. Keep them like this. And then we're simply
gonna go up on the toes and back, and then up on the heels. So go as high as you can.

Now I know people that
are typically over 70 ish or somewhere in that age. They start to lose this strength that they can't get up way up like this. So if you're not able to do, don't worry about it. Just go as high as you can. And same with this. If you can't get your toes or
forefoot off the floor yet, that's okay. Just work on it. It's gonna get those muscles engaged, and they'll come after
a year if you do this. – [Bob] If you wanna do advanced, you can do one leg at a time. – [Brad] Oh yeah. If you are– – [Bob] You're gonna have
to hold onto something, Brad, with that. – Up. And, boy, that really gets those…

That's gonna get that
strength really built up for you advanced people. – I actually do this in the stairwell. And I mean, I hang on to both railings. – Gives you something. – Plus I'm sinking the heel down. It's off the step. So I really got a full range. Boy, my muscles fatigue with that. – What I'm noticing, Bob, right now, my right ankle is notably
stronger than my left. Well, not notably, but I can feel it. I can find it's harder to go
this way than it was this way. And my right leg, I'm
assuming, is the dominant one, but, anyways, it's just
one of those little things you'll notice where in your body. – Well, I hope that that
was helpful for all of you. And let's keep that strength up, 'cause if you keep your strength up, you're less likely to have
the accidents and falls.

– Oh, Bob, we should say
10 to 15 repetitions, but don't do them seven days a week. I would say three times a week up to five times a week.
– And spread it out. Every other day type of thing. – If you get a sore muscles,
'cause you overdid it like Bob was talking about,
take the next day off and get back to it.
– Well, sometimes you can get sore muscles that
actually tear a little bit. – Ooh, we don't wan that. – All right, thanks
everybody for watching. – Be careful. (cheerful tone).

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